Package: aac-enc Description-md5: 16f812d0c8b3e09448f6f7d88536e135 Description-hu: Fraunhofer FDK AAC kodek programkΓΆnyvtΓ‘r - elΕtΓ©tprogram binΓ‘ris The FDK AAC Codec Library For Android contains an encoder implementation of the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) audio codec. . Ez a csomag tartalmazza a WAVE fΓ‘jlok kΓ³dolΓ‘sΓ‘ra kΓ©pes elΕtΓ©tprogram binΓ‘rist, amely a Fraunhofer FDK AAC kodek programkΓΆnyvtΓ‘rat hasznΓ‘lja. Package: abs-guide Description-md5: c70e528b8b624e5738bdbd1b89e8b349 Description-hu: A speciΓ‘lis Bash-parancsfΓ‘jlΓrΓ³ ΓΊtmutatΓ³ A hΓ©j parancsfΓ‘jlΓrΓ‘s mΕ±vΓ©szetΓ©nek nagyon alapos bemutatΓ‘sa. . Ez az oktatΓ³anyag nem feltΓ©telez semmilyen elΕzetes parancsfΓ‘jlΓrΓ‘si vagy programozΓ³i tudΓ‘st, de a folyamat gyorsan halad a kΓΆzΓ©phaladΓ³/haladΓ³ szintΕ± utasΓtΓ‘sok felΓ©β¦ mindekΓΆzben a UNIX(R) bΓΆlcsessΓ©g Γ©s tudomΓ‘ny kicsi rΓ©szletΓ©be settenkedik. Mindezt szΓΆvegkΓΆnyvkΓ©nt, ΓΆnΓ‘llΓ³ tanulΓ‘sra alkalmas kΓ©zikΓΆnyvkΓ©nt, valamint hivatkozΓ‘skΓ©nt, illetve a tudΓ‘s forrΓ‘sakΓ©nt szolgΓ‘lja a hΓ©j parancsfΓ‘jlΓrΓ‘si technikΓ‘khoz. A feladatok Γ©s a megjegyzΓ©sekkel gazdagon ellΓ‘tott pΓ©ldΓ‘k ΓΆsztΓΆnzik az aktΓv olvasΓ³ rΓ©szvΓ©telΓ©t azon elv alapjΓ‘n, hogy a parancsfΓ‘jlΓrΓ‘s megtanulΓ‘sΓ‘nak egyetlen valΓ³di mΓ³dja a parancsfΓ‘jlok ΓrΓ‘sa. . Ez a kΓΆnyv alkalmas tantermi hasznΓ‘latra egy Γ‘ltalΓ‘nos bevezetΕkΓ©nt a programozΓ‘si fogalmakba. Package: abyss Description-md5: 7c736de2ab206e6ade42c9f95ff44b4a Description-hu: ismΓ©telt, pΓ‘rhuzamos, szekvencia ΓΆsszerakΓ³ rΓΆvid olvasΓ‘sokhoz Az ABySS egy ismΓ©telt, pΓ‘rhuzamos, szekvencia ΓΆsszerakΓ³, amelyet rΓΆvid olvasΓ‘sokhoz terveztek. HasznΓ‘lhatΓ³ gΓ©nΓ‘llomΓ‘nyok vagy transzkriptΓ³ma szekvenciaadatok ΓΆsszerakΓ‘sΓ‘hoz. A pΓ‘rhuzamosΓtΓ‘s MPI, OpenMP Γ©s pthread hasznΓ‘latΓ‘val Γ©rhetΕ el. Package: afio Description-md5: ca88467cccd23b8f150ff01185566a6c Description-hu: archΓvumfΓ‘jl kezelΕ program Az Afio fΓ‘jlok csoportjΓ‘t kezeli, Γ‘tmΓ‘solva azokat a fΓ‘jlrendszereken Γ©s afio archΓvumokon belΓΌl vagy azok kΓΆzΓΆtt. . Az Afio archΓvumok hordozhatΓ³k, mivel kizΓ‘rΓ³lag ASCII formΓ‘tumΓΊ fejlΓ©cinformΓ‘ciΓ³kat tartalmaznak. Az Afio cpio-formΓ‘tumΓΊ archΓvumokat hoz lΓ©tre. Az Afio valamivel elegΓ‘nsabban foglalkozik a bemeneti adatok megsΓ©rΓΌlΓ©sΓ©vel. TΓ‘mogatja a tΓΆbbkΓΆtetes archΓvumokat az interaktΓv mΕ±kΓΆdΓ©s kΓΆzben. Az Afio kΓ©pes tΓΆmΓΆrΓtett archΓvumokat kΓ©szΓteni, amelyek sokkal biztonsΓ‘gosabbak a tΓΆmΓΆrΓtett tar vagy cpio archΓvumoknΓ‘l. . Az Afio legjobb hasznΓ‘lata βarchivΓ‘lΓ³ motorkΓ©ntβ tΓΆrtΓ©nhet egy biztonsΓ‘gi mentΓ©st vΓ©gzΕ parancsfΓ‘jlban. Package: album Description-md5: 3eaaefa453087570fb45ac51eeccbe7c Description-hu: HTML fΓ©nykΓ©palbum elΕΓ‘llΓtΓ³ tΓ©matΓ‘mogatΓ‘ssal Az Album egy perl parancsfΓ‘jl, amely HTML fΓ©nykΓ©palbumokat kΓ©pes lΓ©trehozni a kΓ©peit tartalmazΓ³ kΓΆnyvtΓ‘rakhoz. TΓ‘mogatja a tΓ©mΓ‘kat, amelyek az albumok kinΓ©zetΓ©t hatΓ‘rozzΓ‘k meg. Ha szΓΌksΓ©ges, az Album bΓ©lyegkΓ©peket is kΓ©szΓt, illetve βkΓΆzepes mΓ©retΕ±β kΓ©peket a webes megtekintΓ©shez, hogy ne kelljen letΓΆlteni a nagyobb mΓ©retΕ± kΓ©pΓ‘llomΓ‘nyokat. A fΓ©nykΓ©palbumok szΓ‘mos mΓ‘s mΓ³don is szemΓ©lyre szabhatΓ³k. . Ennek a programnak a mΕ±kΓΆdΓ©sΓ©hez nincs szΓΌksΓ©g webkiszolgΓ‘lΓ³ra. Ha a HTML fΓ‘jlok lΓ©trejΓΆttek, helyezze el azokat a βwwwβ mappΓ‘jΓ‘ba. Package: album-data Description-md5: 34adea76df6b2c02712e3838461edbb2 Description-hu: tΓ©mΓ‘k, bΕvΓtmΓ©nyek Γ©s fordΓtΓ‘sok az albumhoz Az Album egy perl parancsfΓ‘jl, amely HTML fΓ©nykΓ©palbumokat kΓ©pes lΓ©trehozni a kΓ©peit tartalmazΓ³ kΓΆnyvtΓ‘rakhoz. Ez a csomag biztosΓtja a tΓ©mΓ‘kat, bΕvΓtmΓ©nyeket Γ©s fordΓtΓ‘sokat az Album programhoz. . Az elΓ©rhetΕ nyelvek a kΓΆvetkezΕk: katalΓ‘n, kΓnai, cseh, nΓ©met, spanyol, francia, hΓ©ber, magyar, olasz, koreai, holland, lengyel, orosz, svΓ©d, chef Γ©s Leet Hacker. Az eredeti Album csomag angolul van. . A tΓ©mΓ‘k bemutatΓ³ oldala: A fordΓtΓ‘s Γ‘llapota: A tΓ©mΓ‘k kΓ©pernyΕkΓ©pei: Package: alien-arena Description-md5: de2b3d0db5845c79b22ffc0c38842f1b Description-hu: ΓnΓ‘llΓ³ 3D-s belsΕ nΓ©zetΕ± internetes ΓΆldΓΆkΓΆlΕs lΓΆvΓΆldΓΆzΕs jΓ‘tΓ©k Az ALIEN ARENA egy ΓΆnΓ‘llΓ³ 3D-s belsΕ nΓ©zetΕ± online is jΓ‘tszhatΓ³ lΓΆvΓΆldΓΆzΕs jΓ‘tΓ©k, amelyet az id Software Γ‘ltal GPL licenc alatt kiadott Quake II Γ©s Quake III eredeti forrΓ‘skΓ³djΓ‘bΓ³l alakΓtottak ki. Az alΓ‘bbi funkciΓ³kkal, mint pΓ©ldΓ‘ul a 32-bites grafikΓ‘k, ΓΊj rΓ©szecske motor Γ©s hatΓ‘sok, fΓ©nyhatΓ‘sok, visszatΓΌkrΓΆzΕdΕ vΓz, nagy felbontΓ‘sΓΊ textΓΊrΓ‘k Γ©s felszΓnek, magas poligon szΓ‘mΓΊ modellek, rΓ©szletgazdag tΓ©rkΓ©pek, az ALIEN ARENA grafikai szΓ©psΓ©gΓ©ben is felveszi a versenyt napjaink ΓΊj jΓ‘tΓ©kaival. . Ez a csomag az Alien Arena SDL kliensΓ©t telepΓti. Package: alien-arena-data Description-md5: f930829d2a1207940bee317dc2015735 Description-hu: Az Alien Arena jΓ‘tΓ©k adatfΓ‘jljai Az ALIEN ARENA egy ΓΆnΓ‘llΓ³ 3D-s belsΕ nΓ©zetΕ± online is jΓ‘tszhatΓ³ lΓΆvΓΆldΓΆzΕs jΓ‘tΓ©k, amelyet az id Software Γ‘ltal GPL licenc alatt kiadott Quake II Γ©s Quake III eredeti forrΓ‘skΓ³djΓ‘bΓ³l alakΓtottak ki. Az alΓ‘bbi funkciΓ³kkal, mint pΓ©ldΓ‘ul a 32-bites grafikΓ‘k, ΓΊj rΓ©szecske motor Γ©s hatΓ‘sok, fΓ©nyhatΓ‘sok, visszatΓΌkrΓΆzΕdΕ vΓz, nagy felbontΓ‘sΓΊ textΓΊrΓ‘k Γ©s felszΓnek, magas poligon szΓ‘mΓΊ modellek, rΓ©szletgazdag tΓ©rkΓ©pek, az ALIEN ARENA grafikai szΓ©psΓ©gΓ©ben is felveszi a versenyt napjaink ΓΊj jΓ‘tΓ©kaival. . Ez a csomag az Alien Arena futtatΓ‘sΓ‘hoz szΓΌksΓ©ges adat, botinfo Γ©s arena fΓ‘jlokat telepΓti. Package: alien-arena-server Description-md5: 5096fa975d49e1d2781f93bd7781f913 Description-hu: DedikΓ‘lt szerver az Alien ArΓ©nΓ‘hoz Az ALIEN ARENA egy ΓΆnΓ‘llΓ³ 3D-s belsΕ nΓ©zetΕ± online is jΓ‘tszhatΓ³ lΓΆvΓΆldΓΆzΕs jΓ‘tΓ©k, amelyet az id Software Γ‘ltal GPL licenc alatt kiadott Quake II Γ©s Quake III eredeti forrΓ‘skΓ³djΓ‘bΓ³l alakΓtottak ki. Az alΓ‘bbi funkciΓ³kkal, mint pΓ©ldΓ‘ul a 32-bites grafikΓ‘k, ΓΊj rΓ©szecske motor Γ©s hatΓ‘sok, fΓ©nyhatΓ‘sok, visszatΓΌkrΓΆzΕdΕ vΓz, nagy felbontΓ‘sΓΊ textΓΊrΓ‘k Γ©s felszΓnek, magas poligon szΓ‘mΓΊ modellek, rΓ©szletgazdag tΓ©rkΓ©pek, az ALIEN ARENA grafikai szΓ©psΓ©gΓ©ben is felveszi a versenyt napjaink ΓΊj jΓ‘tΓ©kaival. . Ez a csomag telepΓti az Alien Arena dedikΓ‘lt szerverΓ©t. Package: alsa-firmware-loaders Description-md5: 631dd818c28b45f8af844a1ba49ddcd6 Description-hu: ALSA szoftverbetΓΆltΕk kΓΌlΓΆnleges hardverekhez SzoftverbetΓΆltΕk gyΕ±jtemΓ©nye kΓΌlΓΆnleges hardverekhez: . cspctl - Sound Blaster 16 ASP/CSP vezΓ©rlΕprogram hdsploader - firmware betΓΆltΕ az RME Hammerfall DSP kΓ‘rtyΓ‘khoz mixartloader - firmware betΓΆltΕ a Digigram miXart alaplapi hangmeghajtΓ³khoz pcxhrloader - firmware betΓΆltΕ a Digigram pcxhr kompatibilis hangkΓ‘rtyΓ‘khoz sscape_ctl - SoundScape vezΓ©rlΕ segΓ©dprogram Γ©s firmware betΓΆltΕ usx2yloader - firmware betΓΆltΕ a Tascam USX2Y USB hangkΓ‘rtyΓ‘khoz vxloader - firmware betΓΆltΕ a Digigram VX hangkΓ‘rtyΓ‘khoz Package: amiwm Description-md5: a2a0859394562edd6b9857a5292439dd Description-hu: Amiga look alike window manager Ez az amiwm, egy X ablakkezelΕ, amely megprΓ³bΓ‘lja a munkaΓ‘llomΓ‘sΓ‘t Amiga kinΓ©zetΕ±vΓ© tenni. βMiΓ©rt?β - kΓ©rdezheti. Mert a szerzΕje ezt akarja. HΓ‘t ezΓ©rt! Package: amoeba Description-md5: d79071f380a0fcf700f7b1ed1856dab1 Description-hu: gyors tempΓ³jΓΊ, ragyogΓ³ OpenGL bemutatΓ‘s, kΓ©szΓtette: Excess Az Amoeba egy gyors tempΓ³jΓΊ, keresztplatformos OpenGL bemutatΓ‘s, amelyet Excess kΓ©szΓtett valΓ³s idejΕ± grafikai hatΓ‘sok megjelenΓtΓ©sΓ©vel a tΓΆkΓ©letesen szinkronizΓ‘lt zenΓ©ben. Egy teljes mΓ©rtΓ©kben szemΓ©lyre szabhatΓ³ bemutatΓ³ motort, szΓ‘mos kΓ©pi hatΓ‘st, rengeteg grafikΓ‘t Γ©s ΓΌtemes hangsΓ‘vokat mutat be. . Az Amoeba elsΕ dΓjat nyert az Underscore 02 bemutatΓ³ versenyen, a svΓ©dorszΓ‘gi Gothenburg vΓ‘rosΓ‘ban megtartott bemutatΓ³ esemΓ©nyen. . Ne feledje, hogy ez csak a bemutatΓ³ motor - maga a demo megtekintΓ©sΓ©hez szΓΌksΓ©ge lesz az amoeba-data csomagra is. Package: amoeba-data Description-md5: 034c9cfac5217a9a6eb4db71c1f05423 Description-hu: Gyors tempΓ³jΓΊ, ragyogΓ³ OpenGL bemutatΓ‘s, kΓ©szΓtette: Excess (adatok) Az Amoeba egy gyors tempΓ³jΓΊ, keresztplatformos OpenGL bemutatΓ‘s, amelyet Excess kΓ©szΓtett 3D kΓ‘rtyΓ‘t hasznΓ‘lΓ³ hatΓ‘sok bemutatΓ‘sΓ‘val a tΓΆkΓ©letesen szinkronizΓ‘lt Ogg Vorbis zenΓ©ben. Teljesen XML-ben Γrt GPLed bemutatΓ³motort, szΓ‘mos objektummanipulΓ‘ciΓ³t, rengeteg grafikΓ‘t Γ©s ΓΌtemes hangsΓ‘vokat mutat be. . Az Amoeba elsΕ dΓjat nyert az Underscore 02 bemutatΓ³ versenyen, a svΓ©dorszΓ‘gi Joenkoeping vΓ‘rosΓ‘ban megtartott bemutatΓ³ esemΓ©nyen ( . Ez a csomag tartalmazza a bemutatΓ³hoz szΓΌksΓ©ges adatokat - a bemutatΓ³ megtekintΓ©sΓ©hez szΓΌksΓ©ge lesz az amoeba csomagra is, amely a bemutatΓ³motort tartalmazza. Package: assaultcube Description-md5: ff503f32dcaa4fbabc45dcf8c59b9553 Description-hu: realisztikus belsΕ nΓ©zetΕ± lΓΆvΓΆldΓΆzΕs jΓ‘tΓ©k AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube. . Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun. Package: assaultcube-data Description-md5: 44b8beee01b54b17188cc8f5f91c8ea7 Description-hu: adatfΓ‘jlok Γ©s dokumentΓ‘ciΓ³ az AssaultCube jΓ‘tΓ©khoz Az AssaultCube - korΓ‘bban ActionCube - egy belsΕ nΓ©zetΕ± lΓΆvΓΆldΓΆzΕs jΓ‘tΓ©k, amely a Cube jΓ‘tΓ©kon alapul. Egy realisztikusan kinΓ©zΕ kΓΆrnyezetet Γ‘llΓt be, amennyire ezzel a motorral csak lehetsΓ©ges, mikΓΆzben a jΓ‘tΓ©kmenet gyors Γ©s jΓ‘tΓ©ktermi marad. Ez a jΓ‘tΓ©k a csapat orientΓ‘lt tΓΆbbszemΓ©lyes szΓ³rakozΓ‘srΓ³l szΓ³l. . Ez a csomag tartalmazza az AssaultCube Γ‘ltal hasznΓ‘lt adatokat Γ©s a kΓΌlsΕ dokumentΓ‘ciΓ³t HTML formΓ‘tumban. Package: astromenace Description-md5: 7c917fc438581d4d2c23163e30ce5289 Description-hu: kemΓ©ny 3D Ε±rlΓΆvΓΆldΓΆzΕs jΓ‘tΓ©k Ε±rhalΓ³fejlesztΓ©si lehetΕsΓ©gekkel AstroMenace is an astonishing hardcore scroll-shooter where brave space warriors may find a great opportunity to hone their combat skills. Gather money during the battle to spend them on turning your spaceship into an ultimate weapon of mass destruction and give hell to swarms of adversaries. Enjoy the wonderfully crafted 3d graphics and high-quality special effects along with a detailed difficulty adjustment and a handy interface of AstroMenace. Package: astromenace-data-src Description-md5: ac44bb0bf3081113c06c0d9b3b58722c Description-hu: adatfΓ‘jlok az AstroMenace jΓ‘tΓ©khoz AstroMenace is an astonishing hardcore scroll-shooter where brave space warriors may find a great opportunity to hone their combat skills. Gather money during the battle to spend them on turning your spaceship into an ultimate weapon of mass destruction and give hell to swarms of adversaries. Enjoy the wonderfully crafted 3d graphics and high-quality special effects along with a detailed difficulty adjustment and a handy interface of AstroMenace. . Ez a csomag biztosΓtja a jΓ‘tΓ©k adatfΓ‘jljait. Package: atari800 Description-md5: 9526e2deeb23f4395bbefbf22fb9ee74 Description-hu: Atari 8-bites emulΓ‘tor az SDL-hez Az Atari800 az Atari 8-bites szΓ‘mΓtΓ³gΓ©pes rendszerek emulΓ‘tora, beleΓ©rtve a 400, 800, 1200XL, 600XL, 800XL, 65XE, 130XE, 800XE Γ©s az XE jΓ‘tΓ©krendszert, valamint az Atari 5200 SuperSystem konzolt is. . Az Atari operΓ‘ciΓ³s rendszer ROM-ok szerzΕi jogi okok miatt nem Γ©rhetΕk el ezzel a csomaggal. Vagy egy rΓ©gi Atari szΓ‘mΓtΓ³gΓ©prΕl kell mΓ‘solatot kΓ©szΓtenie belΕlΓΌk, vagy nΓ©zze meg a README.Debian fΓ‘jlt azok mΓ‘s mΓ³don valΓ³ beszerzΓ©sΓ©hez. Package: atmel-firmware Description-md5: 4b8efccce6d386e23ad5546058c45a46 Description-hu: Firmware az Atmel at76c50x vezetΓ©k nΓ©lkΓΌli hΓ‘lΓ³zati lapkΓ‘khoz. The drivers for these chips in the Linux kernel do not include the firmware; this firmware needs to be loaded by the host on most cards using these chips. This package provides the firmware images which should be automatically loaded as needed by the hotplug system. It also provides a small loader utility which can be used to accomplish the same thing when hotplug is not in use. Package: autodir Description-md5: 0b6913d4b30fa8f1270054260e535bdb Description-hu: Automatikusan lΓ©trehozza a sajΓ‘t- Γ©s csoportkΓΆnyvtΓ‘rakat az LDAP/NIS/SQL/local fiΓ³kokhoz Egy modulΓ‘ris Γ©s szΓ‘lakat tΓ‘mogatΓ³ eszkΓΆz felhasznΓ‘lΓ³/csoport sajΓ‘t kΓΆnyvtΓ‘rainak automatikus Γ©s Γ‘thΓ‘lhatΓ³ lΓ©trehozΓ‘sΓ‘hoz Γ©s/vagy csatolΓ‘sΓ‘hoz vagy kezelΓ©sΓ©hez igΓ©ny szerint. . BΓ‘rmilyen hitelesΓtΓ©si keretrendszerrel kΓ©pes mΕ±kΓΆdni (pΓ©ldΓ‘ul fΓ‘jlrendszerek, NIS, LDAP vagy SQL) Γ©s nem igΓ©nyel PAM-ot, amely szΓΌksΓ©ges funkciΓ³ a munkamenet nΓ©lkΓΌli szolgΓ‘ltatΓ‘soknΓ‘l, mint pΓ©ldΓ‘ul az smtp kiszolgΓ‘lΓ³knΓ‘l. . Az automatikus csatolΓ³ 4-es verziΓ³jΓ‘t (autofs4) engedΓ©lyezni kell a kernel fordΓtΓ‘sakor. A Debian Γ‘ltal csomagolt kernelekben modulkΓ©nt van engedΓ©lyezve. Package: basilisk2 Description-md5: e83e142cb49b01600e0e123d5566127b Description-hu: 68k Macintosh emulΓ‘tor A Basilisk II egy nyΓlt forrΓ‘sΓΊ 68k Macintosh emulΓ‘tor. TehΓ‘t lehetΕvΓ© teszi a 68k MacOS szoftver futtatΓ‘sΓ‘t a szΓ‘mΓtΓ³gΓ©pΓ©n mΓ©g akkor is, ha eltΓ©rΕ operΓ‘ciΓ³s rendszert hasznΓ‘l. Viszont mΓ©g szΓΌksΓ©ge van a MacOS egy mΓ‘solatΓ‘ra Γ©s egy Macintosh ROM lemezkΓ©pre a Basilisk II hasznΓ‘latΓ‘hoz. . A Basilisk II nΓ©hΓ‘ny funkciΓ³ja: - Vagy egy Mac Classic (amely MacOS 0.x Γ©s 7.5 kΓΆzΓΆtti rendszert futtat), vagy egy Mac II sorozatΓΊ gΓ©pet (amely MacOS 7.x, 8.0 Γ©s 8.1 rendszert futtat) emulΓ‘l a hasznΓ‘lt ROM-tΓ³l fΓΌggΕen - SzΓnes videomegjelenΓtΕ - CD-minΕsΓ©gΕ± hangkimenet - Floppy-lemez meghajtΓ³ (csak az 1.44MB lemezek tΓ‘mogatottak) - IllesztΕprogram a HFS partΓciΓ³khoz Γ©s hardfile-okhoz - CD-ROM meghajtΓ³ alapvetΕ hangfunkciΓ³kkal - KΓΆnnyΕ± fΓ‘jlcsere a gazda operΓ‘ciΓ³s rendszerrel a Mac asztalΓ‘n lΓ©vΕ βGazda kΓΆnyvtΓ‘rfaβ ikonon keresztΓΌl - Ethernet illesztΕprogramok - Soros illesztΕprogramok - SCSI kezelΕ (rΓ©gi stΓlusΓΊ) emulΓ‘lΓ‘s - Kiterjesztett ADB billentyΕ±zetet Γ©s hΓ‘romgombos egeret emulΓ‘l - UAE 68k emulΓ‘ciΓ³t vagy (AmigaOS Γ©s NetBSD/m68k alatt) valΓ³di 68k processzort hasznΓ‘l Package: beast-mcmc Description-md5: 347f87629165216c55313b0035e8c195 Description-hu: Bayes-i MCMC filogenetikai felΓΌlet BEAST is a cross-platform program for Bayesian MCMC analysis of molecular sequences. It is entirely orientated towards rooted, time-measured phylogenies inferred using strict or relaxed molecular clock models. It can be used as a method of reconstructing phylogenies but is also a framework for testing evolutionary hypotheses without conditioning on a single tree topology. BEAST uses MCMC to average over tree space, so that each tree is weighted proportional to its posterior probability. Included is a simple to use user-interface program for setting up standard analyses and a suit of programs for analysing the results. Package: beast-mcmc-examples Description-md5: c63bad5feea098eb39bb86db8b6f8d33 Description-hu: Bayes-i MCMC filogenetikai felΓΌlet - pΓ©ldaadatok BEAST is a cross-platform program for Bayesian MCMC analysis of molecular sequences. It is entirely orientated towards rooted, time-measured phylogenies inferred using strict or relaxed molecular clock models. It can be used as a method of reconstructing phylogenies but is also a framework for testing evolutionary hypotheses without conditioning on a single tree topology. BEAST uses MCMC to average over tree space, so that each tree is weighted proportional to its posterior probability. Included is a simple to use user-interface program for setting up standard analyses and a suit of programs for analysing the results. . Ez a csomag tartalmazza a pΓ©ldaadatokat. Package: bgoffice-dict-downloader Description-md5: 4999911e18e26881818d162507bf0e44 Description-hu: szΓ³tΓ‘rak letΓΆltΓ©se a gbgoffice programhoz A bgoffice projekt cΓ©lja egy teljes funkcionalitΓ‘sΓΊ asztali kΓΆrnyezet lΓ©trehozΓ‘sa, amely bolgΓ‘r felhasznΓ‘lΓ³k szΓ‘mΓ‘ra van lefordΓtva Γ©s a helyi beΓ‘llΓtΓ‘sokhoz igazΓtva. . Ez a csomag egy segΓtΕ parancsfΓ‘jlt tartalmaz a gbgoffice szΓ³tΓ‘rainak automatikus letΓΆltΓ©sΓ©hez Γ©s telepΓtΓ©sΓ©hez. Ezeket licencelΓ©si problΓ©mΓ‘k miatt nem terjesztheti a Debian. Package: blimps-examples Description-md5: 18ddc9ff8aab78bc1efd53cccc24389d Description-hu: blocks database improved searcher (example data) BLIMPS (BLocks IMProved Searcher) is a searching tool that scores a protein sequence against blocks or a block against sequences. . Ez a csomag tartalmazza a pΓ©ldaadatokat. Package: blimps-utils Description-md5: 1afe4567b883b39e7050a4f604a91e17 Description-hu: blocks database improved searcher BLIMPS (BLocks IMProved Searcher) is a searching tool that scores a protein sequence against blocks or a block against sequences. . Ez a csomag tartalmazza a binΓ‘risokat. Package: boinc-virtualbox Description-md5: 690093958a0070907b98b36b21fb062c Description-hu: metapackage for virtualbox-savvy projects A Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) - magyarul Berkeley nyΓlt infrastruktΓΊra a hΓ‘lΓ³zati szΓ‘mΓtΓ‘sΓ©rt - egy elosztott szΓ‘mΓtΓ‘shoz hasznΓ‘lhatΓ³ szoftverplatform: kΓΌlΓΆnfΓ©le tudomΓ‘nyΓ‘gak szΓ‘mos kezdemΓ©nyezΓ©se mind az asztali szΓ‘mΓtΓ³gΓ©pek ΓΌresjΓ‘rati idejéért versenyez. A fejlesztΕk weboldala a Berkeley Egyetemen kΓΆzΓΆs portΓ‘lkΓ©nt szolgΓ‘lja ki az egyΓ©bkΓ©nt fΓΌggetlenΓΌl futtatott projekteket. . Regular users (righteously) often find it an unbearable nuisance to care for the exact configuration of BOINC for virtualbox-based projects. This package adds a series of dependencies from the contrib section to the regular boinc package. This also meant this binary package to be redistributed in the contrib section of Debian. Package: broadcom-sta-common Description-md5: a6bd57d95d48308610bc995bd8922939 Description-hu: KΓΆzΓΆs fΓ‘jlok a Broadcom STA vezetΓ©k nΓ©lkΓΌli illesztΕprogramhoz Broadcom STA is a binary-only device driver to support the following IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n wireless network cards: BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4313-, BCM4321-, BCM4322-, BCM43142-, BCM43224-, BCM43225-, BCM43227-, BCM43228-, BCM4331-, BCM4360-, and BCM4352-based hardware. . This package contains the common files and it should not be installed manually (it will be installed automatically as needed). Package: broadcom-sta-dkms Description-md5: 4c9c20d84937e0293fe598f44d785bce Description-hu: dkms forrΓ‘s a Broadcom STA vezetΓ©k nΓ©lkΓΌli illesztΕprogramhoz Broadcom STA is a binary-only device driver to support the following IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n wireless network cards: BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4313-, BCM4321-, BCM4322-, BCM43142-, BCM43224-, BCM43225-, BCM43227-, BCM43228-, BCM4331-, BCM4360-, and BCM4352-based hardware. . This package provides the source code for the wl kernel modules and makes use of the DKMS build utility to install them for the running kernel. The alternative package broadcom-sta-source can be used instead in case of build problems. . The wireless-tools package is also required in order to make use of these modules. Kernel source or headers are required to compile these modules. Package: broadcom-sta-source Description-md5: 5bb170970da4a03f1c53b6f0202148ef Description-hu: ForrΓ‘s a Broadcom STA vezetΓ©k nΓ©lkΓΌli illesztΕprogramhoz Broadcom STA is a binary-only device driver to support the following IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n wireless network cards: BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4313-, BCM4321-, BCM4322-, BCM43142-, BCM43224-, BCM43225-, BCM43227-, BCM43228-, BCM4331-, BCM4360-, and BCM4352-based hardware. . This package provides the source code for the wl kernel modules. It makes use of kernel-package or module-assistant build systems. The alternative broadcom-sta-dkms package can be installed instead and might be easier to use with simple system configurations. . The wireless-tools package is also required in order to make use of these modules. Kernel source or headers are required to compile these modules. Package: brother-cups-wrapper-ac Description-md5: d1e1dbb9ef75ee04236b9b02c8cb3ad4 Description-hu: Cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramok brother ac nyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: HL-4040CN, HL-4040CDN, HL-4050CDN, HL-4070CDW, MFC-9440CN, MFC-9450CDN, MFC-9840CDW, DCP-9040CN, DCP-9042CDN Γ©s DCP-9045CDN. Package: brother-cups-wrapper-bh7 Description-md5: 9ac663666ffc15075ec9dcb4c537ef64 Description-hu: Cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramok brother bh7 nyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: DCP-130C, DCP-330C, DCP-540CN, DCP-750CW, FAX-1860C, FAX- 1960C, FAX-2480C, FAX-2580C, MFC-240C, MFC-3360C, MFC-440CN, MFC-5460CN, MFC-5860CN, MFC-660CN, MFC-665CW Γ©s MFC-845CW. Package: brother-cups-wrapper-common Description-md5: 5df79c7ccc5b738172be4cee123f9e14 Description-hu: KΓΆzΓΆs fΓ‘jlok a Brother cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ csomagokhoz Ez a csomag biztosΓtja a kΓΆzΓΆs fΓ‘jlokat nΓ©hΓ‘ny Brother cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ csomaghoz. Package: brother-cups-wrapper-extra Description-md5: e0bb8f124726fa547849e8d440abea6b Description-hu: Cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramok tovΓ‘bbi brother nyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: FAX-1815C, FAX-1820C, FAX-1835C, FAX-1840C, FAX-1920CN, FAX- 1940CN, FAX-2440C, MFC-210C, MFC-3220C, MFC-3240C, MFC-3320CN, MFC-3340CN, MFC-3420C, MFC-3820CN, MFC-410CN, MFC-420CN, MFC-5440CN, MFC-5840CN, MFC- 620CN, DCP-110C, DCP-310CN, DCP-560CN, DCP-770CW, DCP-350C, DCP-353C, MFC- 465CN, MFC-680CN, MFC-685CW, MFC-885CW, MFC-230C, MFC-235C, MFC-260C, DCP- 135C, DCP-150C Γ©s DCP-153C. Package: brother-cups-wrapper-laser Description-md5: b1d14f0fccd6bc964f51da864b253721 Description-hu: Cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramok brother lΓ©zernyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: DCP-7010, DCP-7020, DCP-7025, DCP-8060, DCP-8065DN, FAX-2820, FAX-2920, HL-2030, HL-2040, HL-2070N, HL-5240, HL-5250DN, HL-5270DN, HL- 5280DW, MFC-7220, MFC-7225N, MFC-7420, MFC-7820N, MFC-8460N, MFC-8660DN, MFC-8860DN Γ©s MFC-8870DW. Package: brother-cups-wrapper-laser1 Description-md5: bcc145550d95f365305cfeb1201bfa32 Description-hu: Cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramok tovΓ‘bbi brother lΓ©zer1 nyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: DCP-1000, DCP-1400, DCP-8020, DCP-8025D, DCP-8040, DCP-8045D, FAX-2850, FAX-2900, FAX-3800, FAX-4100, FAX-4750e, FAX-5750e, HL-1030, HL-1230, HL-1240, HL-1250, HL-1270N, HL-1430, HL-1440, HL-1450, HL-1470N, HL-1650, HL-1670N, HL-1850, HL-1870N, HL-5030, HL-5040, HL-5050, HL-5070N, HL-5130, HL-5140 HL-5150D, HL-5170DN, HL-6050, HL-6050D, MFC-4800, MFC-6800, MFC-8420, MFC-8440, MFC-8500, MFC-8820D, MFC-8840D, MFC-9030, MFC-9070, MFC-9160, MFC-9180, MFC-9660, MFC-9700, MFC-9760, MFC-9800, MFC-9860 Γ©s MFC-9880. Package: brother-cups-wrapper-mfc9420cn Description-md5: 7b8deb2a5b423f0a37142fe414537372 Description-hu: Cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramok brother mfc9420cn nyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden cups Γ‘talakΓtΓ³ illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: Package: brother-lpr-drivers-ac Description-md5: 6003e10e8d730cd4bf00c2cbb31bf858 Description-hu: LPR illesztΕprogramok brother ac nyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden LPR illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: HL-4040CN, HL-4040CDN, HL-4050CDN, HL-4070CDW, MFC-9440CN, MFC-9450CDN, MFC-9840CDW, DCP-9040CN, DCP-9042CN Γ©s DCP-9045CDN. Package: brother-lpr-drivers-bh7 Description-md5: ee596a8df57d84fbdaee5161e27f44a8 Description-hu: LPR illesztΕprogramok brother bh7 nyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden LPR illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: DCP-130C, DCP-330C, DCP-540CN, DCP-750CW, FAX-1860C, FAX-1960C, FAX-2480C, FAX-2580C, MFC-240C, MFC-3360C, MFC-440CN, MFC-5460CN, MFC-5860CN, MFC- 660CN, MFC-665CW Γ©s MFC-845CW. Package: brother-lpr-drivers-common Description-md5: 1de5691537d6c0bd87454fb64831e82f Description-hu: KΓΆzΓΆs fΓ‘jlok a brother-lpr-drivers csomagokhoz Ez a csomag biztosΓtja a kΓΆzΓΆs fΓ‘jlokat a Brother LPR illesztΕprogramok csomagjaihoz. Package: brother-lpr-drivers-extra Description-md5: f595fa60a7e2031b268c9e3ee6b6318f Description-hu: LPR illesztΕprogramok tovΓ‘bbi brother nyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden LPR illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: FAX-1815C, FAX-1820C, FAX-1835C, FAX-1840C, FAX-1920CN, FAX-1940CN, FAX- 2440C, MFC-210C, MFC-3220C, MFC-3240C, MFC-3320CN, MFC-3340CN, MFC-3420C, MFC-3820CN, MFC-410CN, MFC-420CN, MFC-5440CN, MFC-5840CN, MFC-620CN, DCP- 110C, DCP-310CN, DCP-560CN, DCP-770CW, DCP-350C, DCP-353C, MFC-465CN, MFC- 680CN, MFC-685CW, MFC-885CW, MFC-230C, MFC-235C, MFC-260C, DCP-135C, DCP- 150C Γ©s DCP-153C. Package: brother-lpr-drivers-laser Description-md5: a0fc374172c63f660ac7fca929833494 Description-hu: LPR illesztΕprogramok brother lΓ©zernyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden LPR illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: DCP-7010, DCP-7020, DCP-7025, DCP-8060, DCP-8065DN, FAX-2820, FAX-2920, HL-2030, HL-2040, HL-2070N, HL-5240, HL-5250DN, HL-5270DN, HL-5280DW, MFC-7220, MFC-7225N, MFC-7420, MFC-7820N, MFC-8460N, MFC-8660DN, MFC- 8860DN Γ©s MFC-8870DW. Package: brother-lpr-drivers-laser1 Description-md5: 6ed095936b6a1517465a8778ace2ee3f Description-hu: LPR illesztΕprogramok brother lΓ©zer1 nyomtatΓ³khoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt minden LPR illesztΕprogramot a kΓΆvetkezΕ modellekhez: DCP-1000, DCP-1400, DCP-8020, DCP-8025D, DCP-8040, DCP-8045D, FAX-2850, FAX-2900, FAX-3800, FAX-4100, FAX-4750e, FAX-5750e, HL-1030, HL-1230, HL-1240, HL-1250, HL-1270N, HL-1430, HL-1440, HL-1450, HL-1470N, HL-1650, HL-1670N, HL-1850, HL-1870N, HL-5030, HL-5040, HL-5050, HL-5070N, HL-5130, HL-5140, HL-5150D, HL-5170DN, HL-6050, HL-6050D, MFC-4800, MFC-6800, MFC-8420, MFC-8440, MFC-8500, MFC-8820D, MFC-8840D, MFC-9030, MFC-9070, MFC-9160, MFC-9180, MFC-9660, MFC-9700, MFC-9760, MFC-9800, MFC-9860 Γ©s MFC-9880. Package: brother-lpr-drivers-mfc9420cn Description-md5: 6ba30886958fe27faa54a9e980e3829f Description-hu: LPR illesztΕprogram brother mfc9420cn nyomtatΓ³hoz Ez a csomag biztosΓt LPR illesztΕprogramot az MFC-9420CN modellekhez. Package: bsdgames-nonfree Description-md5: a0df62b17337e5cbd12de06fb52cd546 Description-hu: rogue, a klasszikus kazamata-felderΓtΕ jΓ‘tΓ©k Ez egy szΓΆvegalapΓΊ jΓ‘tΓ©k, amely kΓΆzΓΆs a (hagyomΓ‘nyos) BSD rendszerekkel. Nem lehet szabadon terjeszteni, ezΓ©rt le kellett vΓ‘lasztani a fΕ bsdgames csomagrΓ³l, Γ©s a nem szabad kategΓ³riΓ‘ba helyezni. . Ez a csomag most csak a rogue, a klasszikus kazamata-felderΓtΕ jΓ‘tΓ©kot tartalmazza. Package: cbedic Description-md5: 56a857f9100ac90cb66b2b50caddba94 Description-hu: SzΓΆvegmΓ³dΓΊ bolgΓ‘r-angol szΓ³tΓ‘r A CBE szΓ³tΓ‘r egy parancssoros bolgΓ‘r-angol Γ©s angol-bolgΓ‘r elektronikus szΓ³tΓ‘r. HasznΓ‘lhatΓ³ interaktΓv mΓ³dban is. . A szΓ³tΓ‘r adatbΓ‘zisΓ‘t ez a csomag nem tartalmazza. Le kell tΓΆltenie a bedic-data-4.0.tar.gz fΓ‘jlt a kΓΆvetkezΕ cΓmrΕl: A bg_en.dat Γ©s a en_bg.dat fΓ‘jlokat a /usr/local/share/bedic helyre telepΓtse. Package: cclib-data Description-md5: b3fc6a06f6988440348dbafee80b3cee Description-hu: FeldolgozΓ³k Γ©s algoritmusok a szΓ‘mΓtΓ³gΓ©pes kΓ©miΓ‘hoz (adatfΓ‘jlok) Egy Python programkΓΆnyvtΓ‘r, amely feldolgozΓ³kat Γ©s algoritmusokat biztosΓt a szΓ‘mΓtΓ³gΓ©pes kΓ©mia naplΓ³fΓ‘jljaihoz. Egy platformot is biztosΓt az algoritmusok megvalΓ³sΓtΓ‘sΓ‘hoz csomagfΓΌggetlen mΓ³don. . Ez a csomag tartalmazza azokat az egysΓ©gteszteket Γ©s pΓ©lda naplΓ³fΓ‘jlokat, amelyek beΓ‘gyazhatΓ³k a fΕ cclib csomagba. Package: chaplin Description-md5: 4b291946f818007dc5a07f07b10f6fbb Description-hu: DVD szakasz kibontΓ³ Az eszkΓΆz feldolgozza a DVD lemezt vagy lemezkΓ©pet, Γ©s kinyeri a pontos idΕtartamot egy adott cΓm minden szakaszΓ‘nΓ‘l. EzutΓ‘n a szakaszok teljes listΓ‘jΓ‘t felosztja a felhasznΓ‘lΓ³ Γ‘ltal kijelΓΆlhetΕ szΓ‘mΓΊ rΓ©szhalmazra. Minden rΓ©szhalmaznak kΓΆrΓΌlbelΓΌl azonos idΕtartamΓΊnak kell lennie. . Package: cim-schema Description-md5: 7d2f73ec99fe6ac800286af990c46c9d Description-hu: DMTF CIM sΓ©ma The DMTF Common Information Model (CIM) Schema in Managed Object Format (MOF). . This the final version of the CIM Schema. Package: coq-doc Description-md5: 8162cc95ca212365bc0155b6cfef283a Description-hu: a Coq dokumentΓ‘ciΓ³ja Coq is a proof assistant for higher-order logic, which allows the development of computer programs consistent with their formal specification. It is developed using Objective Caml and Camlp5. . This is a dummy package which will install the documentation in html and pdf formats. Package: coq-doc-html Description-md5: 2a1cea3031ba67430a5917f291c6087a Description-hu: a Coq dokumentΓ‘ciΓ³ja HTML formΓ‘tumban Coq is a proof assistant for higher-order logic, which allows the development of computer programs consistent with their formal specification. It is developed using Objective Caml and Camlp5. . This package contains its documentation and tutorials in html format. Package: coq-doc-pdf Description-md5: 6406c20f936aa913c3dfc9f90c15fc8a Description-hu: a Coq dokumentΓ‘ciΓ³ja PDF formΓ‘tumban Coq is a proof assistant for higher-order logic, which allows the development of computer programs consistent with their formal specification. It is developed using Objective Caml and Camlp5. . This package contains its documentation and tutorials in pdf format. Package: cuneiform Description-md5: 9f477b4fb4e65a4b7e58c9e4d6cc05f6 Description-hu: tΓΆbbnyelvΕ± OCR rendszer Cuneiform is an OCR system. In addition to text recognition it also does layout analysis and text format recognition. . The following languages are supported: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian. Package: cuneiform-common Description-md5: 26ff2ce2ac800318b04976471b4bf01d Description-hu: tΓΆbbnyelvΕ± OCR rendszer (kΓΆzΓΆs) Cuneiform is an OCR system. In addition to text recognition it also does layout analysis and text format recognition. . The following languages are supported: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian. . This package contains the common files. Package: devede Description-md5: a80b48eb4e84ed4081919926d540e84b Description-hu: egyszerΕ± alkalmazΓ‘s videΓ³ DVD-k kΓ©szΓtΓ©sΓ©hez DeVeDe is a program to create video DVDs, suitable for home players, from any number of video files, in any of the formats supported by Mplayer. . It allows the user to create subtitles and even menus. Package: fonts-xfree86-nonfree Description-md5: 776b473d83a6281289d5af0df1b28a34 Description-hu: non-free TrueType fonts from XFree86 Collection of TrueType fonts originally part of the XFree86 distribution, but which are licensed under terms incompatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines, and thus cannot be distributed as part of Debian. . A betΕ±kΓ©szletek a kΓΆvetkezΕk: - B&H Luxi Mono - B&H Luxi Sans - B&H Luxi Serif . Read /usr/share/doc/fonts-xfree86-nonfree/README.Debian for instructions on how to register these fonts with XFree86. . Other non-free fonts are in the separate packages t1-xfree86-nonfree and fonts-xfree86-nonfree-syriac. Package: fonts-xfree86-nonfree-syriac Description-md5: 2354dcaa59fa261aafc37695aa2be1a3 Description-hu: non-free syriac OpenType fonts from XFree86 Meltho mollection of syriac OpenType fonts originally part of the XFree86 distribution, but which are licensed under terms incompatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines, and thus cannot be distributed as part of Debian. . A betΕ±kΓ©szletek a kΓΆvetkezΕk: - Beth Mardutho East Syriac Adiabene - Beth Mardutho East Syriac Ctesiphon - Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Antioch - Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Edessa - Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Midyat - Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Nisibin - Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Nisibin Outline - Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Quenneshrin - Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Talada - Beth Mardutho Estrangelo TurAbdin - Beth Mardutho Serto Batnan - Beth Mardutho Serto Jerusalem - Beth Mardutho Serto Jerusalem Outline - Beth Mardutho Serto Kharput - Beth Mardutho Serto Malankara - Beth Mardutho Serto Mardin - Beth Mardutho Serto Urhoy . Read /usr/share/doc/fonts-xfree86-nonfree-syriac/README.Debian for instructions on how to register these fonts with XFree86. . Other non-free fonts are in the separate packages fonts-xfree86-nonfree and t1-xfree86-nonfree. Package: game-data-packager Description-md5: 8f27605f1299a55531edcc4b1205f8d4 Description-hu: TelepΓtΕ a jΓ‘tΓ©k adatfΓ‘jljaihoz Various games are divided into two logical parts: engine and data. Often the engine and data are licensed in different ways, such that the engine can be distributed in Debian but the data cannot. . A game-data-packager egy olyan eszkΓΆz, amely .deb csomagfΓ‘jlokat kΓ©szΓt olyan jΓ‘tΓ©kadatokhoz, amelyek nem terjeszthetΕk Debian alatt (pΓ©ldΓ‘ul kereskedelmi jΓ‘tΓ©kok adatai). . At the moment, game-data-packager has support for building .deb files for: . * 3 Skulls of the Toltecs * A Mind Forever Voyaging * Amazon: Guardians of Eden * Arthur: the Quest for Excalibur * Arx Fatalis * Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 * Ballyhoo * Bargon Attack * Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity * The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble * The Black Cauldron * Blake Stone and Planet Strike * Blue Force * Border Zone * Castle of Dr. Brain and The Island of Dr. Brain * Broken Sword * Bureaucracy * Chex Quest and Chex Quest 2 * Chivalry is Not Dead * Codename: ICEMAN * Commander Keen 4 to 6 * Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail * Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood * Cruise for a Corpse * Cutthroats * Deadline * Descent 1 and 2 * The Dig * Discworld 1 and 2 * Doom, The Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, The Master Levels for Doom 2, Final Doom * Doom 3 and BFG Edition * DraΔΓ Historie * Dreamweb * Duke Nukem 3D * Dune 2: Battle for Arrakis * EcoQuest 1 and 2 * The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind * Elvira 1 and 2 * Enchanter * Enclosure * Eye of the Beholder 1 and 2 * The Feeble Files * Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist * Freespace 2 * Full Throttle * Future War (Les Voyageurs du Temps) * Gobliiins 1, 2 and 3 * Gold Rush! * Grim Fandango * HacX * Hank's Quest * Heretic, Hexen and Hexen 2 * Heroes of Might & Magic 3 * The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy * Hollywood Hijinx * Hopkins FBI * Hoyle's Official Book of Games * Hugo's House of Horrors, Hugo 2, Hugo 3 * Icewind Dale 1 and 2 * Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis * Infidel * Inherit the Earth * James Clavell's ShΕgun * Jones in the Fast Lane * Journey: Part One of the Golden Age Trilogy * King's Quest 1 to 7 * The Labyrinth of Time * Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos * Laura Bow 1 and 2 * Leather Goddesses of Phobos 1 and 2 * Legend of Kyrandiar 1, 2 and 3 * Leisure Suit Larry 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 * LGeneral (Panzer General) * Lost in Time * The Lurking Horror * The Manhole * Manhunter 1 and 2 * Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle * Mixed-Up Mother Goose & Mixed-Up Fairy Tales * Monkey Island 1, 2 and 3 * Moonmist * Mortville Manor * Myst: Masterpiece Edition * Mystery House * The Neverhood * Nippon Safes Inc. * Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It * Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood * Pajama Sam series * Personal Nightmare * Planescape: Torment * Planetfall * Plundered Hearts * Police Quest 1 to 4 * Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3 Arena, Quake 4, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars * Quest For Glory 1, 2 and 3 * Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender * Ringworld 1 and 2 * Rise of the Triad * Rodney's Funscreen * Sam & Max Hit the Road * Seastalker * Sfinx * The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel * The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo * Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels * Simon the Sorcerer 1, 2 and Puzzle Pack * Slater & Charlie Go Camping * Soltys * Sorcerer * Space Quest 1 to 6 * Spellbreaker * Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy * Starcross * Stationfall * Strife * Suspect * Suspended * Syndicate * System Shock * Super 3D Noah's Ark * Theme Hospital * Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths * Toonstruck * TouchΓ©: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer * Transport Tycoon Deluxe * Trinity * Troll's Tale * Tyrian * Ultima VII * Unreal, Unreal Gold and Unreal Tournament (1999) * Urban Runner * Ween: The Prophecy * Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood * Wishbringer * Witness * Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and Return to Castle Wolfenstein * Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory * X-COM: UFO Defense * Zork 1, 2 and 3, Beyond Zork, Zork Zero, Return to Zork, Zork: The Undiscovered Underground * Zork Grand Inquisitor and Zork Nemesis Package: gfaim Description-md5: de68bfc4138daa548b56a361621cb948 Description-hu: Egy kis segΓ©dprogram, ami lehetΕvΓ© teszi rengeteg recept gyors megtalΓ‘lΓ‘sΓ‘t A Gfaim GTK+ hasznΓ‘latΓ‘val Γrt kis segΓ©dprogram, amely a kΓvΓ‘nt ΓΆsszetevΕk beΓrΓ‘sΓ‘val lehetΕvΓ© teszi rengeteg receptek megtalΓ‘lΓ‘sΓ‘t. Az adatbΓ‘zis tΓΆbb mint 10 000 receptet tartalmaz. Ne feledje, hogy azok a receptek francia nyelven ΓrΓ³dtak. . Ez a csomag tartalmazza a gfaim binΓ‘risait Package: gfaim-data Description-md5: 6fa7b84091b0a35267bf9a607c4f5606 Description-hu: Egy segΓ©dprogram, amely lehetΕvΓ© teszi rengeteg francia nyelven Γrt recept megtalΓ‘lΓ‘sΓ‘t A Gfaim GTK+ hasznΓ‘latΓ‘val Γrt kis segΓ©dprogram, amely a kΓvΓ‘nt ΓΆsszetevΕk beΓrΓ‘sΓ‘val lehetΕvΓ© teszi rengeteg receptek megtalΓ‘lΓ‘sΓ‘t. Az adatbΓ‘zis tΓΆbb mint 10 000 receptet tartalmaz. Ne feledje, hogy azok a receptek francia nyelven ΓrΓ³dtak. . Ez a csomag tartalmazza a gfaim receptadatbΓ‘zisΓ‘t Package: gstreamer1.0-fdkaac Description-md5: 8a6ba7d84515005d9fd880d33f218f45 Description-hu: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . A Gstreamer Bad bΕvΓtmΓ©nyek azon bΕvΓtmΓ©nyek halmaza. amelyek nem olyan jΓ³ minΕsΓ©gΕ±ek a tΓΆbbivel ΓΆsszehasonlΓtva. Lehet, hogy kΓΆzel Γ‘llnak a jΓ³ minΕsΓ©ghez, de valami hiΓ‘nyzik belΕlΓΌk - legyen az a jΓ³ kΓ³dΓ‘ttekintΓ©s, a dokumentΓ‘ciΓ³, a tesztelΓ©sek halmaza, egy valΓ³di karbantartΓ³ vagy tΓ©nyleges szΓ©les kΓΆrΕ± hasznΓ‘lat. . This package contains the FDK AAC plugins. Package: kubuntu-restricted-addons Description-md5: d1762d094551b6ebca85a1049fc60dc1 Description-hu: Gyakran hasznΓ‘lt zΓ‘rt csomagok Kubuntuhoz This package depends on some commonly used packages in the Kubuntu universe and multiverse repositories. . You should not install this package directly, but instead install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package. Package: libstar-parser-perl Description-md5: d54e47338677ec829b7e74424901633b Description-hu: STAR compliant data file parser for Perl This distribution contains a set of Perl modules for parsing STAR compliant data files and dictionaries, for example CIF or mmCIF data files and dictionaries. While these tools are not limited to CIF or mmCIF files, they do not allow the presence of nested loops. . The following modules are included in this distribution: . STAR::Parser STAR::DataBlock STAR::Dictionary STAR::Writer STAR::Checker STAR::Filter Package: openttd-opensfx Description-md5: 107eb65077f6c64d7c21a0c757480def Description-hu: hangkΓ©szlet az OpenTTD jΓ‘tΓ©kkal valΓ³ hasznΓ‘lathoz OpenSFX is a replacement for the original TTD (Transport Tycoon Deluxe) base sounds used by OpenTTD, distributed under a restrictive license. The main goal of OpenSFX therefore is to provide a set of sounds, available free of charge, which make it possible to play OpenTTD without requiring the user to pay for the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe game for its sound set. Package: playonlinux Description-md5: 729a863a5c2d8eb304d4e8e17ffbeafe Description-hu: elΕtΓ©tprogram a Wine programhoz A PlayOnLinux egy elΕtΓ©tprogram a wine programhoz. LehetΕsΓ©get ad arra, hogy kΓΆnnyedΓ©n telepΓthessen Windowsos jΓ‘tΓ©kokat Γ©s szoftvereket Linuxra. Javasolt, hogy mΕ±kΓΆdΕ internet-kapcsolattal rendelkezzen. Package: ubuntu-restricted-addons Description-md5: 1a61890ad8e3fb16727ca6a6b66aacbf Description-hu: Gyakran hasznΓ‘lt zΓ‘rt csomagok Ubuntuhoz This package depends on some commonly used packages in the Ubuntu universe and multiverse repositories. Package: unrar Description-md5: 363f696bb115028ffafb265ccc9f32fb Description-hu: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version) Az unrar fΓ‘jlokat tud kibontani a .rar archΓvumokbΓ³l. Ha .rar archΓvumokat szeretne lΓ©trehozni, akkor telepΓtse a rar csomagot. Package: zeroc-ice-manual Description-md5: e8d1b384965040f931108a6bcf3b0065 Description-hu: Ice dokumentΓ‘ciΓ³ pdf formΓ‘tumban Ice, the Internet Communications Engine, is a middleware for the practical programmer developed by ZeroC Inc. A high-performance Internet communications platform, Ice includes a wealth of layered services and plug-ins. . Ice is built on concepts which will be familiar to CORBA programmers, and supports a wide variety of programming languages and runtime platforms. . This package installs the book 'Distributed Programming with Ice' as a pdf file in /usr/share/doc/zeroc-ice-manual. Package: steam Description-md5: af1d3df251091ae182c4d88ba53bd6cd Description-hu: A Valve Steam digitΓ‘lis szoftverkΓ©zbesΓtΕ rendszere Steam ( is a software content delivery system developed by Valve software ( There is some free software available, but for the most part the content delivered is non-free. . This package comes with a fairly substantial non-free license agreement that must be accepted before installing the software. If you have any opposition to non-free work, please select "I DECLINE" during the package installation dialogs. There are also additional agreements in various parts of the application that differ from the original agreement. In other words, pay attention and read carefully if you're worried about your rights.