Package: accountsservice Description-md5: 8aeed0a03c7cd494f0c4b8d977483d7e Description-ast: consultar y camudar la informaciΓ³n de la cuenta d'usuariu The AccountService project provides a set of D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information and an implementation of these interfaces, based on the useradd, usermod and userdel commands. Package: acct Description-md5: 2411ebcaa9bca02b21c19f927d3e1bda Description-ast: GNU Accounting utilities for process and login accounting Les utilidaes de xestiΓ³n de cuentes GNU son un conxuntu d'erbΓes que xeneren informes y resumes de datos sobro les hores de conexΓ³n de los usuarios y estadΓstiques d'execuciΓ³n de procesos. . Β«ContabilidΓ‘ de conexonesΒ» ufre resumes de l'usu de recursos de sistema basados na hora de conexΓ³n, y Β«contabilidΓ‘ de procesosΒ» ufre resumes basaos nes ordes executaes nel sistema. . The 'last' command is provided by the util-linux package and not included here. Package: acpid Description-md5: 6a7c4e4695f570d8fbcaec667cdcfcfe Description-ast: Demoniu de socesos de ConfiguraciΓ³n avanzada ya interfaz d'enerxΓa (ACPI) Los equipos modernos sofiten la interfaz avanzada de configuraciΓ³n y enerxΓa (ACPI) que permite una xestiΓ³n d'enerxΓa intelixente nel sistema y consultar l'estΓ‘u de la baterΓa y de la configuraciΓ³n. . ACPID ye un demoniu completamente flexible, estendible dafechu, pa entregar socesos ACPI. Escucha na interfaz netlink (o nel antiguu ficheru /proc/acpi/event) y cuando ocurre un socesu, executa programes pa xestionalu. Los programes qu'executa se configuren con un conxuntu de ficheros de configuraciΓ³n, que puen instalar los paquetes o l'alministrador. Package: adduser Description-md5: a5681e7bad8d90695043c6eab9784701 Description-ast: amesta y desanicia usuarios y grupos Esti paquete inclΓΊi les ordes Β«adduserΒ» y Β«deluserΒ» pa crear y desaniciar usuarios. . - 'adduser' crea usuarios y grupos nuevos, y amesta usuarios esistentes a grupos esistentes; - 'deluser' desanicia usuarios y grupos, y dixebra usuarios d'un grupu conseΓ±Γ‘u. . Adding users with 'adduser' is much easier than adding them manually. 'Adduser' will choose UID and GID values that conform to Debian policy, create a home directory, copy skeletal user configuration, and automate setting initial values for the user's password, real name and so on. . 'Deluser' can back up and remove users' home directories and mail spool or all the files they own on the system. . DempuΓ©s de cada orde puede executase un guiΓ³n personalizΓ‘u. . 'Adduser' and 'Deluser' are intended to be used by the local administrator in lieu of the tools from the 'useradd' suite, and they provide support for easy use from Debian package maintainer scripts, functioning as kind of a policy layer to make those scripts easier and more stable to write and maintain. Package: advancecomp Description-md5: 45269d7ed6ff6092f699fce2e0061b74 Description-ast: coleiciΓ³n d'erbΓes de recompresiΓ³n AdvanceCOMP contiΓ©n erbΓes de recompresiΓ³n pa los archivos .zip, imaxes .png, videoclips .mng y archivos .gz. . Pa la recompresiΓ³n, s'usa 7-Zip (, que de vezu consigue un 5-10% mΓ‘s de compresiΓ³n que zLib. Package: aide Description-md5: 1d70ba920a3b80bc791be197bf18814c Description-ast: Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - dynamic binary AIDE ye un sistema de deteiciΓ³n d'intrusiones que deteuta cambΓ©os de ficheros nel sistema llocal. Crea una base de datos dende les regles n'espresiones regulares que s'alcuentren nel ficheru de configuraciΓ³n. De magar que s'inicializa la base de datos, puede usase pa verificar la integridΓ‘ de los ficheros. Tien dellos algoritmos de resume de mensaxe (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval, etc.) que s'usen pa comprobar la integridΓ‘ del ficheru. Pueden aΓ±edise mΓ‘s algoritmos con relativa facilidΓ‘. TamiΓ©n pueden comprobase inconsistencies nos atributos de ficheru mΓ‘s normales. Package: aide-common Description-md5: 7a8490e442a29581e6cca1b191be3f62 Description-ast: Entornu de DeteiciΓ³n d'Intrusiones AvanzΓ‘u - Ficheros comunes AIDE ye un sistema de deteiciΓ³n d'intrusiones que deteuta cambΓ©os de ficheros nel sistema llocal. Crea una base de datos dende les regles n'espresiones regulares que s'alcuentren nel ficheru de configuraciΓ³n. De magar que s'inicializa la base de datos, puede usase pa verificar la integridΓ‘ de los ficheros. Tien dellos algoritmos de resume de mensaxe (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval, etc.) que s'usen pa comprobar la integridΓ‘ del ficheru. Pueden aΓ±edise mΓ‘s algoritmos con relativa facilidΓ‘. TamiΓ©n pueden comprobase inconsistencies nos atributos de ficheru mΓ‘s normales. . Esti paquete contiΓ©n los ficheros base y de configuraciΓ³n necesarios pa executar los binarios reales. . Casi seguro vas querer camudar el ficheru de configuraciΓ³n en /etc/aide/aide.conf o poner tos propies plizques de configuraciΓ³n en /etc/aide/aide.conf.d. Package: alsa-base Description-md5: 14d30d1beb8026b3d2636c32c5a92cca Description-ast: Ficheros de configuraciΓ³n del controlador ALSA Esti paquete contiΓ©n dellos ficheros de configuraciΓ³n pa los controladores ALSA. . Pa que ALSA funcione nun sistema con una tarxeta de sonΓu, tien qu'haber un controlador ALSA pa esa tarxeta nel nΓΊcleu. Linux 2.6, tal como viΓ©n nos paquetes linux-image, contiΓ©n controladores ALSA pa toles tarxetes de sonΓu compatibles en forma de mΓ³dulos cargables. Puede xenerase un paquete alsa-modules personalizΓ‘u dende les fontes del paquete alsa-source, usando la ferramienta m-a (incluyΓa nel paquete module-assistant). Pa mΓ‘s informaciΓ³n tocante a cargar y xenerar mΓ³dulos llee'l ficheru README.Debian. . ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. Package: amavisd-new Description-md5: d95fd9c270e69763b2674a7c7629b731 Description-ast: Interfaz ente'l MTA y l'escΓ‘ner de virus/peΓ±eres de contenΓu. AMaViSD-new ye un guiΓ³n que coneuta un axente de transporte de corrΓ©u (MTA) con cero o mΓ‘s escΓ‘neres de virus y spamassassin (opcional). . Sofita tolos escΓ‘neres comunes de virus (mΓ‘s de 20 antivirus diferentes), con sofitu pa comunicaciΓ³n direuta col degorriu de los antivirus ClamAV, OpenAntiVirus, Trophie, AVG , f-prot y Sophos. . AMaViSd-new sofita tolos MTA usando el so mou peΓ±era SMTP/LMTP xenΓ©rica (ideal pa postfix y exim). Es mΓ‘s rΓ‘pido y seguro usar el mou de peΓ±era SMTP/LMTP que utilizar el cliente de tuberΓa AMaViS. Sofita sendmail milter col paquete amavisd-new-milter. Package: anacron Description-md5: fa1ec89f10f7e1d462277e65ba40f1e1 Description-ast: programa paecΓu a cron que nun va por tiempu Anacron (like "anac(h)ronistic") is a periodic command scheduler. It executes commands at intervals specified in days. Unlike cron, it does not assume that the system is running continuously. It can therefore be used to control the execution of daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly jobs (or anything with a period of n days), on systems that don't run 24 hours a day. When installed and configured properly, Anacron will make sure that the commands are run at the specified intervals as closely as machine uptime permits. . This package is pre-configured to execute the daily jobs of the Debian system. You should install this program if your system isn't powered on 24 hours a day to make sure the maintenance jobs of other Debian packages are executed each day. Package: debianutils Description-md5: 133cfb7cff1ec5713bc396f059f97013 Description-ast: Mestura d'utilidaes especΓfiques de Debian Esti paquete contiΓ©n delles pequeΓ±es utilidaes qu'usen principalmente los scripts d'instalaciΓ³n de Debian, pero que puen usase direutamente. . The specific utilities included are: add-shell installkernel ischroot remove-shell run-parts savelog update-shells which Package: dpkg Description-md5: 2f156c6a30cc39895ad3487111e8c190 Description-ast: Sistema de xestiΓ³n de paquetes Debian This package provides the low-level infrastructure for handling the installation and removal of Debian software packages. . For Debian package development tools, install dpkg-dev. Package: eog Description-md5: a17b1b698fda7b280b8e85d7b08c5d27 Description-ast: Eye of GNOME, programa visor de grΓ‘ficos eog o Eye of GNOME ye un visor de grΓ‘ficos cenciellu pal escritoriu GNOME qu'usa la biblioteca gdk-pixbuf. Puede remanar imaxes grandes, y ampliar y mover con un usu de memoria constante. Los sos oxetivos son la cenciellez y el cumplimientu d'estΓ‘ndares. Package: file-roller Description-md5: 38d3e4bf80de5287311da5585810d3db Description-ast: archive manager for GNOME File-roller ye un alministrador d'archivos pal entornu GNOME. Te permite: . * Crear y camudar archivos. * Ver el contenΓu d'un archivu. * Ver un ficheru contenΓu nun archivu. * Estrayer ficheros del archivu. . File-roller supports the following formats: * Tar (.tar) archives, including those compressed with gzip (.tar.gz, .tgz), bzip (, .tbz), bzip2 (.tar.bz2, .tbz2), compress (.tar.Z, .taz), lzip (.tar.lz, .tlz), lzop (.tar.lzo, .tzo), lzma (.tar.lzma) and xz (.tar.xz) * Zip archives (.zip) * Jar archives (.jar, .ear, .war) * 7z archives (.7z) * iso9660 CD images (.iso) * Lha archives (.lzh) * Archiver archives (.ar) * Comic book archives (.cbz) * Single files compressed with gzip (.gz), bzip (.bz), bzip2 (.bz2), compress (.Z), lzip (.lz), lzop (.lzo), lzma (.lzma) and xz (.xz) . File-roller can extract following formats: * Cabinet archives (.cab) * Debian binary packages (.deb) * Xar archives (.xar) . File-roller nun fai operaciones d'archivΓ‘u Γ©l mesmu, sinon que se manda de ferramientes estΓ‘ndar pa ello. Package: gir1.2-totem-1.0 Description-md5: f8fb0d202ba3f9170c84de5e0c27a305 Description-ast: GObject introspection data for Totem media player Totem ye un reproductor de medios cenciellu pero potente pa GNOME que pue lleer un bon nΓΊmberu de formatos de ficheru. . This package contains introspection data for the Totem media player. . It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gnome-calculator Description-md5: edf337f4e3963467c2997a13fc81ad2a Description-ast: calculadora del escritoriu GNOME The GNOME calculator is a powerful graphical calculator with financial, logical and scientific modes. It uses a multiple precision package to do its arithmetic to give a high degree of accuracy. Package: gnome-disk-utility Description-md5: 8bbfe121f73fcddf9e0a9c15f0e8afd8 Description-ast: xestionar y configurar preseos y medios de discu GNOME Disks is a tool to manage disk drives and media: . * Format and partition drives. * Mount and unmount partitions. * Query S.M.A.R.T. attributes. . It utilizes udisks. Package: gnome-power-manager Description-md5: 1ece6a08127f01c856017ac9675775b5 Description-ast: ferramienta d'alministraciΓ³n d'enerxΓa pal escritoriu de GNOME GNOME Power Manager ye un daemon de sesiΓ³n pal escritoriu GNOME que s'encarga de los socesos del sistema o del escritoriu rellacionaos cola enerxΓa, y llanza les aiciones afayadices. El so envΓs ye anubrir dafechu eses xeres abegoses y amosar namΓ‘i dellos axustes importantes al usuariu. . GNOME power manager displays and manages battery status, power plug events, display brightness, CPU, graphics card and hard disk drive power saving, and can trigger suspend-to-RAM, hibernate or shutdown events, all integrated to other components of the GNOME desktop. Package: gnome-system-monitor Description-md5: bb5488674b14e5248e88189686b54d2d Description-ast: Visor de procesos y monitor de recursos del sistema de GNOME Esti paquete permite ver y xestionar de mou grΓ‘ficu los procesos n'execuciΓ³n del to sistema. TamiΓ©n permite la revisiΓ³n de los recursos disponibles, como CPU y memoria. Package: gnome-terminal Description-md5: c385379e72ae70e0ca5a4dee09859951 Description-ast: GNOME terminal emulator application GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the GNOME environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals. . GNOME Terminal ufre la capacidΓ‘ d'usar mΓΊltiples terminales n'una sola ventana (llingΓΌetes), y tien sofitu pa perfiles. Package: gnome-terminal-data Description-md5: 9b9dc36a1c83dd9ce4cb3aedf50168f1 Description-ast: Data files for the GNOME terminal emulator GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the GNOME environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals. . Esti paquete contiΓ©n datos, ficheros d'aida y axustes de llocalizaciΓ³n de gnome-terminal, l'aplicaciΓ³n d'emulaciΓ³n de terminal de GNOME Package: ibus-chewing Description-md5: 41b0580d9f7567a74d302851c00d4d6c Description-ast: Chewing engine for IBus IBus ye un Bus d'Entrada Intelixente. Ye una nueva cadarma d'entrada pal SO Linux. Ufre una interfaz d'usuariu de mΓ©todu d'entrada completa y amistosa. . IBus-chewing is a IBus based IM Engine for Traditional Chinese Package: ibus-hangul Description-md5: 27773568696d2739f50262d3471be20b Description-ast: Hangul engine for IBus IBus ye un Bus d'Entrada Intelixente. Ye una nueva cadarma d'entrada pal SO Linux. Ufre una interfaz d'usuariu de mΓ©todu d'entrada completa y amistosa. . IBus-Hangul is a Korean input method engine for IBus. Package: ibus-mozc Description-md5: 88b12aa5cdc5ae186ce940b50e7ee25b Description-ast: Mozc engine for IBus - Client of the Mozc input method IBus ye un Bus d'Entrada Intelixente. Ye una nueva cadarma d'entrada pal SO Linux. Ufre una interfaz d'usuariu de mΓ©todu d'entrada completa y amistosa. . Mozc is a Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) designed for multi-platform such as Chromium OS, Windows, Mac and Linux. . ibus-mozc provides client part of the Mozc input method. . This open-source project originates from Google Japanese Input. Package: ibus-unikey Description-md5: 1ca9eb8babd8a6f74a281339e46e595b Description-ast: Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBus using Unikey Engine IBus ye un Bus d'Entrada Intelixente. Ye una nueva cadarma d'entrada pal SO Linux. Ufre una interfaz d'usuariu de mΓ©todu d'entrada completa y amistosa. . Ibus-Unikey is a Vietnamese input method for IBus. It uses the Unikey engine to process keyevents. Package: libreoffice-calc Description-md5: e809bbd7f91acfd0d9ad0f8fd5ed86a3 Description-ast: conxuntu de productividΓ‘ d'oficina -- fueya de cΓ‘lculu LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the spreadsheet component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-draw Description-md5: 48e37fe8495cb12961b923bb0b0f970f Description-ast: conxuntu de productividΓ‘ d'oficina -- dibuxu LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the drawing component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-impress Description-md5: 472668fa8a618a3bed701d2301185f86 Description-ast: conxuntu de productividΓ‘ d'oficina -- presentaciΓ³n LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the presentation component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-math Description-md5: 66f3b39e514cc02ac689ec67f6ed274a Description-ast: conxuntu de productividΓ‘ d'oficina -- editor d'ecuaciones LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-writer Description-md5: 7ddf1a7be67dc22b315f212f564325e8 Description-ast: conxuntu de productividΓ‘ d'oficina -- procesador de testos LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the wordprocessor component for LibreOffice. Package: nautilus-extension-gnome-terminal Description-md5: 50c7939faa3af14d1b31cd393715dd4e Description-ast: GNOME terminal emulator application - Nautilus extension GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the GNOME environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals. . GNOME Terminal ufre la capacidΓ‘ d'usar mΓΊltiples terminales n'una sola ventana (llingΓΌetes), y tien sofitu pa perfiles. . This package contains the extension for Nautilus, the GNOME Files app. Package: network-manager-gnome Description-md5: bdee3234d21720f04895a1051744f5d1 Description-ast: cadarma d'alministraciΓ³n de rede (interfaz de GNOME) NetworkManager is a system network service that manages your network devices and connections, attempting to keep active network connectivity when available. It manages ethernet, WiFi, mobile broadband (WWAN), and PPPoE devices, and provides VPN integration with a variety of different VPN services. . This package contains a systray applet for GNOME's notification area but it also works for other desktop environments which provide a systray like KDE or Xfce. It displays the available networks and allows users to easily switch between them. For encrypted networks it will prompt the user for the key/passphrase and it can optionally store them in the gnome-keyring. Package: python3-software-properties Description-md5: 2404b69e069f73169a1d424cb63f1d53 Description-ast: xestionar los repositorios dende los qu'instales el software This software provides an abstraction of the used apt repositories. It allows you to easily manage your distribution and independent software vendor software sources. Package: rhythmbox Description-md5: 263e21c49721f582dd2ee234ff4fedb7 Description-ast: reproductor y organizador de mΓΊsica pa GNOME Rhythmbox ye un programa enforma cenciellu d'usar pa reproducir y organizar mΓΊsica con sofitu pa un bon rangu de formatos de sonΓu (incluyendo mp3 y ogg). InspirΓ‘u nel so orixe nel iTunes d'Apple, la versiΓ³n d'anguaΓ±o tamiΓ©n tien sofitu pa Radio d'Internet, integraciΓ³n con iPod y sofitu xenΓ©ricu pa reproductores de sonΓu portΓ‘tiles, grabaciΓ³n de CD de sonΓu, reproducciΓ³n de CD de sonΓu, mΓΊsica compartida y Podcasts. Package: rhythmbox-data Description-md5: 42958a23b3c14ae41a3238d088043e3e Description-ast: data files for rhythmbox Rhythmbox ye un programa enforma cenciellu d'usar pa reproducir y organizar mΓΊsica con sofitu pa un bon rangu de formatos de sonΓu (incluyendo mp3 y ogg). InspirΓ‘u nel so orixe nel iTunes d'Apple, la versiΓ³n d'anguaΓ±o tamiΓ©n tien sofitu pa Radio d'Internet, integraciΓ³n con iPod y sofitu xenΓ©ricu pa reproductores de sonΓu portΓ‘tiles, grabaciΓ³n de CD de sonΓu, reproducciΓ³n de CD de sonΓu, mΓΊsica compartida y Podcasts. . This package contains pictures, localization files and other data needed by rhythmbox. Package: rhythmbox-plugins Description-md5: 65ef9a9b2e372031a3ca07a0b4e3427c Description-ast: plugins for rhythmbox music player Rhythmbox ye un programa enforma cenciellu d'usar pa reproducir y organizar mΓΊsica con sofitu pa un bon rangu de formatos de sonΓu (incluyendo mp3 y ogg). InspirΓ‘u nel so orixe nel iTunes d'Apple, la versiΓ³n d'anguaΓ±o tamiΓ©n tien sofitu pa Radio d'Internet, integraciΓ³n con iPod y sofitu xenΓ©ricu pa reproductores de sonΓu portΓ‘tiles, grabaciΓ³n de CD de sonΓu, reproducciΓ³n de CD de sonΓu, mΓΊsica compartida y Podcasts. . This package contains the following plugins: - Cover art search - Audio CD Player - - DAAP Music Sharing - FM Radio - Grilo media browser - IM Status - Internet Radio - Song Lyrics - Magnatune Store - Media Player Keys - Portable Players (generic, iPod, MTP) - Notification - Power Manager - Python Console - LIRC - Replay Gain - MediaServer2 D-Bus interface - MPRIS D-Bus interface - Web remote control Package: seahorse Description-md5: 183c443db6e087b1bdd4087786203c38 Description-ast: Interfaz de GNOME pa GnuPG Seahorse is a front end for GnuPG - the GNU Privacy Guard program - that integrates to the GNOME desktop. It is a tool for secure communications and data storage. Data encryption and digital signature creation can easily be performed through a GUI and Key Management operations can easily be carried out through an intuitive interface. Package: simple-scan Description-md5: 0801cb168babf587af56100a43d62a83 Description-ast: UtilidΓ‘ cenciella d'escanΓ©u Simple Scan ye una aplicaciΓ³n fΓ‘cil d'usar, diseΓ±ada pa que los usuarios coneuten l'escaner y tengan darrΓ©u la imaxe/documentu nel formatu afayadizu. . Simple Scan is basically a frontend for SANE - which is the same backend as XSANE uses. This means that all existing scanners will work and the interface is well tested. Package: tar Description-md5: 48033bf96442788d1f697785773ad9bb Description-ast: GNU version of the tar archiving utility Tar ye un programa pa empaquetar un conxuntu de ficheros como un ΓΊnicu archivu en formatu tar. La funciΓ³n que fai ye un conceutu asemeyΓ‘u a cpio, y a coses como PKZIP nel mundu DOS. S'usa abondo pol sistema de xestiΓ³n de paquetes Debian, y ye afayadizu pa facer copies de seguridΓ‘ del sistema y pa intercambear conxuntos de ficheros con otres persones. Package: totem Description-md5: 3773374b409bb5710c492c328fe37f78 Description-ast: Simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer Totem ye un reproductor de medios cenciellu pero potente pa GNOME que pue lleer un bon nΓΊmberu de formatos de ficheru. Ufre: . * Encontu pa llistes de reproducciΓ³n Shoutcast, m3u, asx, SMIL y ra * ReproducciΓ³n de DVD (con menΓΊs), VCD y CD Dixital (con CDDB) *ConfiguraciΓ³n de TV-Out con cambeu de resoluciΓ³n opcional * Salida de sonΓu 4.0, 5.0, 5.1 y estΓ©reo * Mou de pantalla completa (mueve'l mur y verΓ‘s unos guapos controles) con encontu de Xinerama, doble pantalla y RandR * ConmutaciΓ³n de rellaciΓ³n d'aspeutu, con escala basada nel tamaΓ±u orixinal del videu * Control por teclΓ‘u completu * Llista de reproducciΓ³n cenciella con mou repeticiΓ³n y capacidΓ‘ de guardΓ‘u * IntegraciΓ³n con GNOME, Nautilus y GIO * Semeya de pantalla de la pelΓcula actual * Control de brillu y contraste * Plugin de visualizaciΓ³n al reproducir ficheros de sonΓu * Miniatures de videu pa nautilus * PΓ‘xina de propiedaes de nautilus * Funciona n'escritorios remotos * SubtΓtulos de DVD, VCD y OGG/OGM con seleiciΓ³n automΓ‘tica de llingua * Enantable con plugins Package: totem-common Description-md5: e5e4dab953a289de510184357646dc10 Description-ast: Data files for the Totem media player Totem ye un reproductor de medios cenciellu pero potente pa GNOME que pue lleer un bon nΓΊmberu de formatos de ficheru. . This package contains common data files and translations. Package: totem-plugins Description-md5: bfaf3e55fb6fc19bcd47f3c7c8db4e6d Description-ast: Plugins for the Totem media player Totem ye un reproductor de medios cenciellu pero potente pa GNOME que pue lleer un bon nΓΊmberu de formatos de ficheru. . This package contains a set of recommended plugins for Totem: . * Control Totem with an Infrared remote control * Control Totem with the keyboard's media player keys * Display movie properties * Deactivate the screensaver when a movie is playing * Skip to a defined time in the movie * Set the away status in the instant messenger when a movie is playing * Control totem with a mobile phone using the Bluetooth protocol * Share the current playlist via HTTP * Search, browse for and play videos from YouTube . Additional plugins can be written in C or Python. Package: update-manager Description-md5: 590b36e19703392a6fe86ceaa8467c85 Description-ast: AplicaciΓ³n de GNOME que xestiona los anovamientos con apt Esti ye'l xestor d'anovamientos d'apt de GNOME. Gueta los anovamientos y dexa escoyer al usuariu cuΓ‘l d'ellos instalar. Package: yelp Description-md5: b660f3f94d2a495572d2b53c6824da41 Description-ast: Visor d'aida de GNOME Yelp is the help browser for the GNOME desktop. Yelp provides a simple graphical interface for viewing DocBook, Mallard, HTML, man, and info formatted documentation.